Saturday 1 March 2014

Handling stress.

You know you're having stress when you're starting to have acne outbursts, a craving for food, sleeping in, lack of motivation to do anything and a bad mood situation.

Stress is an awful thing, it gives you discomfort. You're thinking too much and you get overwhelmed. It's just too much to handle. There are many cause of stress and some are related to me. Sometimes stress could lead you to depression.

1) Family:

You feel as if your family isn't your family. You feel like you are an outcast and no one loves you. You feel like you are a burden to your parents. Your parents discourage you a lot in situations here you want to succeed. You constantly fight with your siblings and hate them, wishing they never existed.

2) Friends:

Your friends don't understand the situation your going through. They assume you are okay. They don't know the situation of your family problems, your personal issues. They don't understand who you really are. You feel like your friends are hopeless and not worthy to be your friends. At times it's the conflict between the friendship. Love, fights, misunderstandings.

3) Studies:

The studies are just too hard to coop with. You've gotten fed up on trying because it makes you tired. You lack of motivation to try because you know you are already left behind.

4) Lack of Sleep:

There are so many things that you have to handle. At times it kills time and you feel stressed out. No room for homework, no room for leisure, no room for anything. Even if you sleep early it's never enough. At times sleeping early doesn't mean you have accomplish every task needed to be accomplished.

5) The opposite sex:

Your mind goes wondering about the the opposite sex. Your feelings towards that person and how it's affecting your life. You lack of focus because whatever the person does makes you want alerted. You get jealous with the third person. Your feelings are messed up. You don't want to admit you have fallen for the person because you know that person have someone else in his/her life.

Those are the things that stresses me out. And to find the solution to get the stress out of your mind, to avoid the depression is doing the following:

1) Cry: Crying helps release stress hormones. It's okay to cry.

2) Sleep: After you're done with the crying, you'll get sleepy. That is the best time to forget all the things that's messing up your inside. Sleep. Once you wake up, you'll feel okay, because you sleep on on your problems.

3) Music: Listen to music, it helps decrease the stress hormones. Music takes your mind off on things. The more stress is reduced, the more productivity there will be. Music distracts you from all the mix emotions.

4) Happiness: Be happy, forget the haters. Do what ever you you want that pleases you. Don't bother the people that will bring you down.

5) Tea: Drink tea, whenever I feel stress out, I will drink Chamomile tea. It calms you nerves down. Here is the link that shows the top 10 stress relieving teas :

6) Pray: If you're not a religious person, start on trying to pray to God. Ask for his help. God is kind and He will help you slowly. Keep praying to Him, and eventually you'll feel at ease. Talk to Him, God always listen.

Be happy. God loves you.


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Let's deal shit together. I don't know you, and you don't know me. But one thing for sure we have in common is that we have problems to deal. Tell me, and I'll lend a hand,

love always SA.